To receive an address verification for property within St. Clair County, please provide the following information. It will take approximately two (2) weeks for an address verification. Failure to provide any of the below requested information could cause a delay in the address verification process. You will be notified by mail of the address verification.

    Information of Person Submitting Request
    Fields marked with * are required


    Current Mailing Street Address*:


    Zip Code*:

    Phone Number*:

    E-mail Address:

    Information of Property in Question
    Fields marked with * are required

    Parcel ID#*:
    - .0 - -
    This number can be found on your St. Clair County tax statement. If you are unable to determine the parcel number, please contact St. Clair County Mapping & Platting at (618) 277-6600 for assistance.

    Property Owner:

    Subdivision Name:

    Lot #:

    Address in Question

    Street Address:


    Zip Code:

    What other addresses were given for the same property, if any?:

    Please upload a sketch of the property, indicating the location of the structure as well as where the driveway intersects with the road. This sketch may be hand drawn and does not need to be drawn to scale. Acceptable formats are PDF, JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG and TIFF files with a maximum file size of 5MB.

    By checking this box, I affirm that the above information is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.